July 2023

  1. Diploma in Art & Craft from Kurukshetra University as an equivalent qualification to the one from the Haryana Industrial Training Department.

  2. Sanvira Industries claim of increased capacity of 'Raw Pet - Coke' was not considered as it was added after October 9, 2018.

  3. Reinstatement and Payment of back wages of retrenced workers in Food Corporation of India. SC Empasized Principle of 'Approbate and Reprobate'. 

  4. Unless the Sale deed contains provisions explicitly prohibiting assignment or transfer, the Right to Repurchase is not personal to the vendor and can be assigned.

  5. SC said although the involvement of the petitioner is limited, it should not interfere with the proceedings unless the allegations were patently absurd or inherently improbable.

  6. Bail conditions should not be onerous, unreasonable, or excessive. The purpose of bail is not to secure payment but to ensure the accused's appearance, completion of investigation/trial, and the safety of the community. 

  7. The Impact of a physical disability on earning capacity should be evaluated based on the nature of the individual's work. 

  8. SC stated that the High Court, in its writ jurisdiction, should not re-appreciate evidence unless the original order exceeded its jurisdiction or the findings were patently perverse. 

  9.  The Acquisition under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 remained valid as the possession of the acquired land had been taken over on 19th January 2006. 

  10.  It would not be safe to base the conviction solely on the testimony of the minor witness.

  11. The police had no authority to impound a passport, it only vest with the Passport Authority under the Passports Act, 1967.

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